Creating a hybrid working model which allow employees to work part-time in the office and part-time remotely is a major shift under the radar of many companies.
Working from Home developed new ideas about the way we live and the way we work. Long commutes, crowded public transportations and all costs associated with daily physical presence at the office made people rethink how their time management and balance work hours, leisure time and house tasks.
Companies also experienced a new work model where less space and resources were needed and want to address an optimized office space to accommodate a new set of values and mindsets as well as stay efficient.
Returning to the office these days will mean refurnished workspaces with focus in ergonomics, personal objects as a way of bringing home into office and a splash of green, with plants and flowers vases.
At home or in a small office at work, trends lead to the existence of planning surfaces that support the need of daily planning and segregate work hours from leisure time and house tasks.
In the office, custom team planners to keep track of the teams’ tasks and status (as a Kan Ban Planners for example) will be highly valuable.
As team meetings tend to have reduced number of attendees, small office meetings will happen more often, and a smaller writing board or easel are must have products to allow the team to be creative and make presentations easier and faster.
More information about Bi-Office Work From Home range here.