The anywhere Office: A story from a millennial utopy that has now become real

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The anywhere Office: A story from a millennial utopy that has now become real

Once upon a time, a flexible business world was only possible for digital dreamers and entrepreneurs of the creative economy. The opposite of these, were 9-to-5 workers, with their spreadsheets and reports, and the only guarantee was that there was no other space to work as efficiently as in the physical office. These two worlds never collided until the Covid-19 pandemic opened a fissure in cosmic tissue, and the two of these worlds merged.

Until 2020, those who idealized a flexible business as a world of fantasy, full of freedom and without any rules, quickly realized that a routine outside the office could be even more demanding than inside. After working from home for several months during lockdown, Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, went even further and said that “when you are working from home, it sometimes feels like you are sleeping at work”.

That being said, the anywhere office still is a flexible work model that contributes to team productivity and is a breakthrough in improving work-life balance, something that has become essential over the last few years. The pandemic has been a defining moment for society and people to re-evaluate their priorities and their rigid work schedules. They now search for balance between their work and personal lives, flexibility and, most of all, mental health.

According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs report, the world has been facing a "double-disruption" scenario and “A hybrid model can help organizations make the most of talent wherever it resides”.

Work is an activity, not a place. Thus, its effectiveness should not be measured through the hours spent in an office, but the result achieved. The anywhere office is a model that allows employees to perform their tasks and handle their professional responsibilities from anywhere in the world.

The success of every business or venture is organization and precision, and the same applies to the individual success of professionals. If you’re starting to navigate the anywhere office ship, bear in mind that to-do lists are a great way to keep tasks organized and visible.
An effective prioritization of your tasks and projects will help you make sure that your focus and time will be spent on high-value activities, which will mean that you are more productive and valuable for your team.
Planning boards will make it easier for you to create visual to-do lists, brainstorm tasks you need to do, and to break down large tasks into smaller components.

Writing and Display boards are also great tools to help you visualize projects while posting notifications, ideas and notes, tickets, and complementary information.

The standard office experience is being pushed aside to make way for alternative working environments. Creating an anywhere office that allows employees to manage their time and select the space they feel the most productive in, is one way of ensuring everyone enjoys working each day.

Work is an activity, not a place. Thus, its effectiveness should not be measured through the hours spent in an office, but the results achieved.